Friday, February 1, 2008

What's new with Cole

I've been a bit lazy about updating the blog recently and am now realizing how much there is to share about what's new with Cole! He is changing daily. So, here we go.

What's new with Cole.

He's discovered that his tongue can makes cool noises. A week ago he was really into raspberries. For several days straight he did continuous raspberries (see photo below), which was funny, even when he did it throughout a client meeting that I had to take him to. Luckily the client has little kids so he didn't seem phased by it at all. These days he seems to be off of raspberries, and has moved to just sticking his tongue out at whatever and whoever happens to be in front of him.

Currently his favorite toy is his hands. It doesn't seem to matter whether his hands are covered with mittens or inside the arm of his pajamas, he wants his hands (preferably both at the same time) in his mouth.

Hanging out with Dad in the afternoons. Since my return to work the first week in January (which needs to be a blog entry all on its own) Cory has altered his work schedule so that he can be home with Cole two afternoons, which is so wonderful. Check out Mr. Mom, feeding Cole while making dinner. Aw, so proud.

Playing and observing. In the past week we've definitely noticed that Cole has become much more interested in toys and just about everything else. His senses are heightened and he takes time to observe things around him. See photos below of him on his play mat, which he loves, and then with Gem, who he also loves, and his bee (Bizzle). It's so cool to see him "wake up" a little bit more to the world in which we live. The other night I was eating an orange and put a slice up to his nose so that he could smell it. His nose crinkled up a little at first and then he looked at me with big eyes and such a precious smile as if to say "hey, I like that new smell." The other afternoon we were getting ready to go out and I had him in his car seat then threw on a hat and went to pick him up. He looked at my hat with this puzzled expression, then looked at my face, then at my hat again, then smiled. What I imagine him thinking - "Oh, it is you mom. You just look a bit different!" There are many stories that I could add in this section. It's just the coolest thing to get to introduce him to what we all take for granted and what is so new and curious to him.

Getting bigger and stronger. He really enjoys tummy time and also enjoys sitting (with help) and working on standing. His little legs are so strong! We decided to switch pediatricians, so we had an appointment last week to interview a new doctor, Dr. Gamelin. Cole seemed to have a connection with her right away, maybe it was her Canadian accent. At any rate, we all really like her. Since we were there, she just went ahead and did his 4 month check-up (minus the shots). He's super healthy, weighs 15 lbs 1oz, and is 26" long.

Other things that I don't have photos of but are worth mentioning:
- Grunting, lots of grunting, and not just when he needs to fart or poop. He just likes to grunt. It's very manly.
- Exaggerated yawns. You really just need to experience this one to appreciate how precious it is.

Okay, I need to be better about updating this more regularly to avoid this type of barrage of updates. Those of you who have seen Cole recently I think will agree that his little personality is really starting to shine through.


  1. Oh my goodness! He has gotten so big, what a little cutie! In the second picture with his hat and mittens on, he sort of looks a little bit like Alex. Can't wait for them to play together.

  2. Oooh, Reba. Dr. Gamelin was my mom's Dr in Sutherlin before she moved up here. My mom really liked her and misses her a lot. Lucky Cole!
