Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wednesday afternoon

I have to admit that going back to work has not been the easiest, but I am so grateful for my flexible schedule. We hired a nanny for Cole, Brittney, who comes to our house Monday-Thursday from 8-2pm. And then either Cory or I are here by 2pm to spend the afternoon with Cole. And I'm off on Fridays (yeah, love that). So, Monday and Thursday it's Cory and Tuesday and Wednesday it's me. This Wednesday Cole and I spent a lot of time on the floor practicing rolling over. He's only done it that one time unassisted, but he's so close to being able to do it more. Now every time we put him down on his back he starts rolling onto his side and gets so close, but can't quite get the momentum going to get over his shoulder. Anyway, I had my camera out, so I thought I'd share a couple photos.

He really does enjoy time on his belly. He's starting to do the airplane move where he lifts his legs up and puts his arms out. A little pilates action!

He's also getting into a little bit of a crawling motion, although I know it will be a long time before he's actually on the move.

Up close and personal. Check out those bubbles and all that drool! He is a drooling machine these days.

A new favorite toy (thank you, Grandma!)

Playing around with the camera on my Mac.

Oh, and his bald spot. Not the most attractive, but I did want to make sure to get a picture of it so we can remember it when it's gone.


  1. This is a great collection of pictures!!! I can totally see Cole's personality shining through in his pictures.

  2. Great pics!! Even with a bald spot, I think he has more hair than Mia had at age 2.
