Monday, February 4, 2008


For the past couple weeks we've noticed that Cole has been drooling quite a bit more than normal. At first we thought, maybe he's teething, but then thought, naw, he's too young. Then in the past week we've noticed that what used to be sucking on his hand/thumb has turned into chewing. And then he had his first diarrhea diaper. And most recently, he has not been sleeping well at all. Like last night he was up pretty much every hour from 12am until 4:30am, when finally I just woke him up because he was so upset. Once awake, he's fine, but when he's sleeping, he just gets really worked up, maybe because his mouth hurts and since he's sleeping isn't able to think to put his hand in his mouth to soothe the pain. Today we decided to get out a teething ring and give that a shot. He went to town on it. So, I think he might officially be teething. Poor little guy! And poor us. Not to be too selfish, but man, I need some sleep! I'm hoping that he starts feeling better (how long does it take for teeth to pop through?) and I really hope that we're all able to get some sleep soon.


  1. Auntie Lainie is enjoying seeing Cole around work more often!

  2. Welcome to teething- it sucks. Rory started at 4 months as well and got 8 all at once. Now we are on round 2 with the 1 year molars and she is suddenly miserable again. I don't really have any suggestions on how to make it better, just hang in there and sleep when you can- even if it means going to bed at 7. We are also currently on the awake every hour and in pain schedule. This too shall pass...
