Thursday, November 6, 2008

taking steps

Cole has been flirting with walking for quite some time. He has always been a stander, pretty much since birth, and  for the past couple of months has been cruising around on furniture like a champ. But has seemed to be quite happy with crawling, and he's pretty good at it! I've heard from several people that he is the fastest crawler they have ever seen. I can only imagine what he will be like once he learns to run! We are going to have our hands full I think. 

In the past couple weeks he has shown more interest in walking, using his push cart to cruise around the house, and happily walking while holding onto our hands. And in the past couple of days he has let go of one hand and been walking just barely holding on. So we have been thinking that walking would be coming soon! And he is most certainly on the brink.

This morning as I was blow drying my hair, Cole was playing on the floor next to me, and out of the corner of my eye I saw him moving. I looked over and he was walking! One, two, three steps. I was so excited and that made him so excited, and then he fell over. But then he was determined. He kept getting back up and taking a step or two, and then falling over. It was so cool to watch and he was so proud of himself! A milestone, for sure. 

I'm glad that we have "babyproofing" on our to-do list for this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Oliver has been the same way. He is a very fast crawler and quite good at it. He's been flirting with walking for about 1 1/2 months. It is so exciting but makes for a lot more baby proofing!
