Wednesday, November 12, 2008

a few of cole's favorite things

Anything that someone else is eating or drinking. Including my coffee cup this past weekend. He wouldn't stop asking for it, so I ended up pouring my latte into a mug and giving him my empty cup. He was in heaven.

Hats. He doesn't necessarily like to keep them on for any length of time, but he loves hats. If he sees one on someone or in a book, he always signs "hat" and if he finds one around the house, he trys to put it on.

Being outside, or a distant second is looking outside through our front window. Here he is staring longingly ... if only it wasn't raining!


  1. I love all the Cole updates- as does Rory- she likes the close-ups the most. I think she may be a bit smitten with your little man. I asked Krista this same question- how much of your photography success do you attribute to your skill and how much do you attribute to your camera? I am researching cameras and am looking for input. you can email me your response if it is easier. thanks!

  2. I love all the Cole updates- as does Rory. I am researching cameras and wanted to know how much do you attribute your photo success to skill and how much to your camera? Any camera recommendations would be appreciated!
