Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween festivities

We started off the Halloween festivities with trip out to the pumpkin patch with Nathan & Krista and the kids. Complete with apple cider, fresh donuts, a hay ride, it was lots of fun! Cole loved crawling around in the mud. And he liked the donuts, too, of course.

The weekend before Halloween my parents hosted the annual pumpkin carving party. It was so warm this year that we were able to carve outside, which was lovely. Cole enjoyed helping to clean the insides out of the pumpkins.

Cole's pumpkin

My pumpkin

Cory's pumpkin

On Halloween day we headed downtown to meet up with the crew (Sahnows, McGowans, Klinkhammers) for a little downtown trick-or-treating. Cole rode in the wagon, no candy this year, but he had fun. He was a quarterback. Then we came back to our neighborhood and joined Eden and Caden for some more trick-or-treating, and ended the night handing out candy -- almost 10 lbs!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Cole just keeps getting more adorable. I love his smile. Makes my day every time I see it!
