Thursday, April 17, 2008

baby sign language

Cole, Brittney and I are taking a baby sign language class. It's every Wednesday for an hour and so far, so good. At least Brittney and I are learning a lot. And hopefully Cole will start picking up some of them soon. I think he's starting to recognize the sign for nursing/milk. He seems to get excited when I do that one and yesterday when I did it he leaned towards me with his arms out (precious!). It will be fun once he's able to start signing himself.

Yesterday we learned various food signs. Some of our favorites, that we practiced last night at dinnertime, were apple, banana, and cracker. Here are Cole and Elijah enjoying the plastic food that the teacher brought in as props.

And we ended the class with a story, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. The kids were actually pretty engaged by it, although it doesn't look like it in this picture!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun! My mom said that when she got there yesterday, there wasn't anyone there and the chairs were all up on the tables, so she left. She was sad to have missed class.
