Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cole's first birthday

It's hard to believe that a year has passed since we welcomed Cole into the world. What a difference a year makes! He has grown and changed and learned so much and has turned into such a wonderful little boy. We feel so lucky to call him our son.

We celebrated his birthday with friends and family at our community center. Such a fun afternoon! I'm including just a few of the photos below. To see the full collection (there are over 100!).

One year ago.

The birthday boy arrives, a bit unsure what to think about everything. Sticking close to Grandpa.

The kids made party hats.

The birthday boy in his hat.


Opening gifts.

He's warmed up now! This is a classic Cole expression.

Signing "eat" -- bring on the cupcakes!

Why is everyone looking at me and singing?

A little help from Mom to blow out the candle.

Very serious about his cake.

mmmm ... this is pretty good (still pretty serious about it, though)

Yay for birthdays and cupcakes!

Testing out his new Rody horse. Thanks Rob, Keli and Macadam!

A truck full of fun. Thanks, everyone, for the great gifts!

At home, playing with his toys.

Being very gentle with his buddy Macadam.